Iron Infusion Clinic

Diagnosis & Comprehensive Iron Deficiency Management at Nicholson Road Medical Group


Iron infusion clinic

We are pleased to offer our specialised Iron Infusion Clinic at Nicholson Road Medial Group.

Our dedicated team also accepts referrals from colleague GPs for the assessment and management of patients with iron deficiency who may benefit from iron infusion therapy.

It's important to note that, for your safety and well-being, all patients are required to undergo an initial consultation with one of our skilled doctors. During this consultation, the doctor will assess your specific needs and determine the suitability of Intravenous (IV) Iron Therapy for your condition. 

How to Book an Appointment for Iron Infusion:
Initial Iron Infusion Standard Consult (15 mins):
Patients are assessed for the suitability and safety of an iron infusion during this appointment. An injectable iron script will be provided, and you may be recommended further investigations to determine the cause of your iron deficiency.

Follow-Up Prolonged Consult (1 hour) for Iron Infusion:
This follow-up appointment for iron infusion will be scheduled by your GP after the initial consultation.

What to Expect During Your Iron Infusion Appointment:
Vital signs, including blood pressure, temperature, heart rate, etc., will be measured.
An IV cannula will be inserted into a vein in your arm.
The iron infusion process typically takes between 15 to 30 minutes.
For your safety, a 30-minute observation period follows the iron infusion to monitor for any delayed allergic reactions.
The iron infusion treatment room fee is payable on the day of the procedure.

Blood tests are usually repeated 6 weeks after the iron infusion to monitor progress.

Understanding Iron Deficiency and Treatment Options

What is Iron Deficiency?
Iron is essential for the production of hemoglobin, a molecule that transports oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. Iron also aids in the storage and utilization of oxygen by muscles. When your body lacks sufficient iron, it cannot produce an adequate number of healthy red blood cells that carry oxygen.

What is Iron Deficiency Anemia?
When the iron levels in your body drop to a critically low point, hemoglobin levels can fall below normal, leading to a condition known as iron deficiency anemia. It's important to note that iron deficiency can occur with or without anemia.

Symptoms of Iron Deficiency:
The primary symptom of iron deficiency is a pervasive feeling of lethargy, ranging from mild tiredness to severe exhaustion, significantly impacting your quality of life. Additional symptoms may include shortness of breath, hair loss, inflammation at the corners of your mouth, stomach discomfort, a paler skin tone, mental fog, and reduced endurance.

Causes of Iron Deficiency:
In addition to treating iron deficiency, identifying the underlying cause is crucial. Common causes include: Increased demand for iron, such as during pregnancy. Decreased iron intake, stemming from an inadequate diet or absorption issues like celiac disease or post-bariatric surgery. Increased iron loss, often due to conditions like menorrhagia or gastrointestinal bleeding associated with bowel, stomach diseases, or the use of medications like NSAIDs or blood thinners. After an iron infusion, it is essential to consult with your regular doctor to investigate the root cause of your iron deficiency.

Treatment Options for Iron Deficiency:
Iron can be replenished through oral, intramuscular, or intravenous methods:
Oral Iron Supplements: This is the initial treatment option for iron deficiency. Iron levels typically rise gradually over 6 to 9 months. Side effects may include bloating, constipation, and dark stools. Oral iron may not be effective for individuals with celiac disease or absorption disorders.
Intramuscular Iron:
Due to the risk of skin staining, which can be permanent, intramuscular iron injections have become less popular in recent years.
Intravenous Iron:
The fastest method for replenishing iron stores involves intravenous iron administration through an iron infusion. The benefits of an iron infusion must be weighed against potential risks.

Risks and Side Effects of an Iron Infusion:
After an iron infusion, you may experience side effects for approximately two days, after which you should start feeling better. Common side effects include headache, dizziness, flushing, nausea, and muscle pain or spasms. The most significant risks involve the possibility of an allergic reaction and potential skin staining at the injection site. Choosing a well-trained doctor with experience in iron infusions can help mitigate these risks.

If you have any questions or concerns about iron deficiency or its treatment, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Your health and well-being are our top priorities.

Ref: Department of Health and Age Care
