Dr Kyaw Soe Moe 


Dr. Moe's journey in the medical field is a tale of dedication and diverse experiences. His pursuit of medicine led him to commence his medical training in Taiwan following his graduation from Myanmar.

In Australia, he immersed himself in the healthcare landscape, honing his skills and knowledge during a three-year tenure at various hospitals in Adelaide and Perth. It was here that his passion for general practice began to take root. Dr. Moe's commitment to becoming a well-rounded GP led him to complete his rural GP training in the Western New South Wales (NSW) region, where he developed a deep understanding of the healthcare needs of the community.

His professional interests span the spectrum of general practice, with a particular focus on Chronic Disease Management, Acute Medicine, Child Health, Mental Health, and the skilled execution of minor surgical procedures. Dr. Moe's versatility ensures that he can address a wide range of patient needs with precision and care. 

Outside the medical realm, Dr. Moe finds joy in the culinary arts, savoring the art of cooking, as well as embarking on adventures through travel. However, his most cherished moments are those spent with family and friends, for he believes in the value of nurturing connections and maintaining a well-balanced life.

Dr Moe consults in English, Burmese, Mandarin, and Hokkien. 

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